Causes and risk factors for prostatitis in men

Prostatitis is one of the most common urological diseases, in which an inflammatory process develops that covers the tissues of the prostate gland. Prostatitis can occur in men of all ages and is often accompanied by other disorders of the reproductive system. The causes of prostatitis in men can be different, and in order to reduce the likelihood of developing this disease, they should be considered in more detail.


types and forms of prostatitis in men

Regarding the development of the pathological process, there are three main forms of prostatitis:

  1. Sharp.Symptoms come on suddenly and are more pronounced. Therefore, most men with an acute course of prostatitis go to the doctor in the first days of the open course of the process. A typical symptom of the disease is severe low back pain, which occurs against the background of an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees. Most often, the cause of prostatitis is an infectious focus, which can develop in distant organs.
  2. Chronic.If acute prostatitis is not treated in time, the disease turns into a chronic form. It is characterized by less pronounced symptoms, and the general condition of the patient can be called satisfactory. The temperature drops to normal limits.
  3. Stagnant.Non-infectious inflammatory process. It is caused by stagnant processes observed in the pelvic organs. The disease is characterized by progressive development with a gradual increase in pathological symptoms. Today this form of the disease is extremely rare.

The chronic form of the disease is considered very dangerous, as most men ignore the mild symptoms, postponing a visit to a specialist. With this approach, the development of numerous complications of the disease is possible.

The disease has gotten "younger" over time, so it can occur at any age.

What are the causes of prostatitis?

This disease develops in one third of men between the ages of 20 and 60. Therefore, unlike a number of disorders of the genitourinary system, this ailment cannot be called age-related. There are a number of causes of prostatitis in men, the main of which will be discussed below.

Acute and chronic infections

Infectious lesions are the primary cause of prostatitis. When the infection enters the prostate, an inflammatory process develops. Most often, diseases such as gonorrhea and urethritis become provocateurs of these forms of prostatitis.

Pathological processes such as caries, tonsillitis, tuberculosis and so on can provoke the development of infectious prostatitis.

To cure this form of the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the infectious agent that has become the main cause of its development. Only after neutralizing the main causative agent of the infection can prostatitis be completely cured.


why prostatitis occurs in men

Every man should have enough sex in his life, otherwise he will not escape from prostate problems.

The consequence of the lack of regular sex life can be the development of congestion in the prostate. At the same time, blood circulation in the organ is disturbed, as a result of which the secret stagnates, which disrupts its functioning. All this can lead to deformation of the prostate and the development of an inflammatory process.

Regular sexual activity allows you to avoid stagnation of prostatic secretions. Also, experts recommend their patients to refrain from promiscuous relationships by finding a permanent sexual partner.

Sedentary work

Over the past few decades, there has been an acute trend towards the transition from manual to mental labor. And it is a sedentary lifestyle which is a major cause of prostatitis in men.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle leads to a deterioration in the functions of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. As a result, the cells of the prostate gland receive less oxygen, which leads to the creation of optimal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

And although sedentary work is not a direct cause of prostatitis, it creates optimal conditions for prostate gland infection. Therefore, for the prevention of prostatitis, the body should provide regular physical activity.

When leading an active lifestyle, a person's blood flow normalizes, the endocrine and nervous systems work better. Thus, the tissues of the prostate gland are protected from oxygen starvation.

Prolonged abstinence

In the absence of regular sexual activity, the secretion stagnates in the organ. In view of this, blood circulation in the prostate tissues becomes difficult. The result is the same as when leading a passive lifestyle.

Oxygen starvation leads to the fact that in the tissues of the prostate gland there are ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. As a result, only a weak infection of the body will be enough to ensure the guaranteed development of prostatitis.


hypothermia as a cause of prostatitis

Freezing is a sure way for the onset of the disease.

Scientists argue that hypothermia is one of the main provocateurs of the development of prostatitis. Hypothermic prostatitis develops for several reasons:

  1. Due to hypothermia, vasoconstriction occurs, which leads to a weakening of tissue nutrition and deterioration of organ functioning.
  2. With a significant freezing of the body, a person's immune system is weakened. This leads to the fact that the body becomes susceptible to various types of infectious lesions.

Hypothermia becomes especially dangerous for those men who have developed prostatitis previously. Even if the disease has been treated, it can recur.

To avoid the development of prostatitis, it is necessary to dress warmly in the cold season, to avoid sitting on cold and cold surfaces. It is also forbidden to walk barefoot on an insufficiently warm floor.

Other reasons

The development of prostatitis can occur not only for the above reasons, but also under the influence of such factors:

  • obesity;
  • poor working conditions, in which there is a strong load on the perineal area or strong shaking;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • ARVI transferred to the legs;
  • Chronic constipation.

The best prevention of this disease would be to avoid the factors listed above. Those men who have previously had prostatitis are particularly susceptible to developing this disease.

Who is at risk

Anyone who has previously had problems with the prostate gland could face the disease again.

Having considered the causes of prostatitis, it is necessary to determine the group of people predisposed to its appearance. The following men are susceptible to prostatitis:

causes of prostatitis in men
  • lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • suffer from frequent constipation;
  • obese;
  • engaged in sedentary work;
  • subject to severe stress and hard physical work;
  • having irregular sexual intercourse or frequently changing sexual partners;
  • previously had prostatitis;
  • suffering from immune disorders;
  • addicted to alcohol and cigarettes.

Characteristics of development in young and old age

Prostatitis can develop in young people due to a number of factors. The main ones are: sedentary work, lack of a full-fledged intimate life, a sedentary lifestyle. To minimize the development of this disease, you need to exclude these factors from your life.

In the elderly, the disease most often develops against the background of the extinction of sexual function. As the body ages, the reproductive system undergoes changes, as a result of which sooner or later it ceases to function. A notable decline in fertility was observed in men between the ages of 45 and 50.

Also, this can occur under the influence of hormonal changes in the body, due to which the volume of testosterone production decreases. And it is these changes that are one of the main causes of prostatitis.

Reasons for the transition from acute to chronic disease

While acute prostatitis is characterized by vivid symptoms, forcing the patient to consult a specialist, the chronic form usually has no characteristic symptoms. In most cases, men are in no hurry to see a doctor, noticing slight discomfort. And as a result of this, the disease develops into more severe forms.

But how does the disease become chronic? Most often, the cause of the development of a chronic process is an inadequately treated acute form of the disease. In this case, the transition from one form to another occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Treatment was started late.
  2. Ineffective therapy was administered or the wrong technique was chosen.
  3. The patient's immune response has significantly decreased.
  4. There was no treatment for acute prostatitis.

It should be understood that the asymptomatic chronic course of the inflammatory process sooner or later ends in an exacerbation. So the patient has all the signs of the disease, including severe pain in the perineum and lower back, difficulty urinating and depression of sexual function.

Chronic prostatitis has an important feature: when primary inflammation of the prostate occurs, deterioration of the innervation of this organ occurs. This, in turn, has an extremely negative effect on his work, often causing autoimmune processes. In this case, the immune system begins to produce antibodies against the prostate tissue. Therefore, even if the primary infection is eliminated, it will not be possible to avoid the progression of such prostatitis.


signs and symptoms of prostatitis in men

The main symptom of the development of prostatitis is pain. Indicates that an inflammatory process is developing in the prostate. In this case, the unpleasant sensations can be of a different nature and intensity. Urination causes severe pain.

This disease is particularly troublesome, being in the acute phase of its development. Against the background of severe pain, the patient has sleep disturbances, his performance is significantly reduced, just like the general quality of life.

Pain in prostatitis has the following character:

  • localized in the perineum, lower abdomen, lower back;
  • radiates to the genital area;
  • unpleasant sensations intensify when visiting the toilet, during arousal and in the process of ejaculation;
  • are accompanied by sexual dysfunction.

Erection problems are a characteristic symptom of a chronic form of the disease. Due to the fact that such dysfunctions can have different degrees of manifestation, their therapy has some differences.

It is not uncommon for men to have a slow erection with prostatitis. Most patients are unable to complete intercourse or ejaculation is premature. Such disorders adversely affect the composition of the sperm.

Treatment methods

The specific type of therapy is determined by a specialist based on the characteristics of the course of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the reasons for the development of this disease. So, the main method of treating the acute form of the disease is antibiotic therapy. These drugs are taken even if the disease is not bacterial in nature.

Complex treatment is provided for chronic prostatitis. It includes the following procedures:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • taking immunomodulators;
  • prostate massage.

If chronic prostatitis has a non-bacterial nature, then its treatment is carried out by taking non-steroidal drugs. Sedatives are used as an additional treatment.

Prevention of prostatitis comes down to an active lifestyle, regular sexual intercourse with a regular partner and timely treatment of infectious diseases.