Prostatitis, as in the time to recognize?

Most of us are accustomed, that it is necessary to carefully monitor the health of your heart, to worry about the health of the lungs. But few men remember what a special care for the needs of their "second heart" - the prostate gland.

It is a small organ, about the size of a walnut. On the place where it is located and what is intended is known, not even all men. But in fact, it is often one of the most important causes of health problems of the male half of humanity. And the misfortune may overtake and adolescents, and the elderly "brother".

Like any other disease, the inflammation of the prostate – the most common diseases of the prostate – it is easier to prevent than to cure and easier to deal with at the earliest, only at an advanced stage. This is why it is extremely important for each man knew by heart the symptoms of the approximation of this illness to have the opportunity of time to consult with a urologist.


Prostate gland or prostate is a to musculoskeletal disorders-rich in iron authority, which is an integral part of the male reproductive system. It is located in a small pelvis, under the bladder, weighs only about 20-30 grams. The main function of the prostate, in the simplified case of a language to produce a liquid that enters into the composition of the semen.

Despite its modest size (the size of a small chestnut), this little scrap can beat anyone of Hercules.

As pointed out by the World health organization, every third man of the population of the countries of Europe and the UNITED states at least once noticed symptoms of the inflammation of the prostate. A man in five has a chronic prostatitis.

The adenoma of the prostate, which is similar to the prostatitis signs, revealed, 10% and 15% of men older than 50 years. Especially alarm from figures of a growing number of diseases of the prostate in young men, especially chronic forms, as well as the forms, leading to sterility.

Buy a inflammation of the prostate is easy, but it is treated for many years.

Urologists and andrologists – doctors who care for the treatment of prostatitis, often called this disease "the silent disease", because first of all, it can not affirm its existence. When this disease is noticed, normally, it is already in progress on the complications of the inflammation of the prostate.

Each patient is different, an evolution of the disease and the reasons of its appearance.

The causes of the disease of prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. The main cause of disease is stagnation of the blood in the basin. Cause it can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifest themselves in the form of frequent constipation and intestinal disorders. Among other reasons:

  • disorders of the immune system;
  • venereal diseases, other infectious diseases;
  • the insufficient blood circulation in the penis;
  • intermittent sex life;
  • neuroendocrine of the violation of the body.

The symptoms of prostatitis

Characteristic symptoms of prostate inflammation are disorders of functioning urinary system. The reason is that the inflammation of the prostate gland increases in size and begins to squeeze the urethra. In the absence of treatment, the inflammatory process causes sclerosis of the neck of the bladder, and in the case of a larger development of the disease, the ureter may be completely blocked.

The second important point is the characteristic sign is a disorder of the sexual function. This is manifested in the form of the weakening of erection, of the weakness of the expressiveness of the orgasm. In the result of the development of impotence and sterility.

Other features of the prostatitis:

  • a burning sensation in the perineum and the urethra (the urethra).
  • The inflammation of the prostate
  • unpleasant sensations in the prostate and in the bladder during emptying of the bowel (defecation);
  • the increased frequency and increased intensity to recommend to urinate;
  • the difficulty and the rate of urination;
  • urethral pi emptying of the intestine;
  • in urine visible floating "son";
  • the night marked the long, unexplained erection;
  • the acceleration of the ejaculation during the sexual act;
  • erosion excessive orgasm;
  • the overall improvement of the fatigue;
  • depressive, anxiety, depression, psychological waiting of complications;
  • the deterioration of erection.

All the symptoms are marked at once. So don't expect just "the bouquet", that notice any of the symptoms described above – both go to a specialist. Do talk with your friends, no self-medication, because each has its own symptomatology and course of the disease.

Over time I can receive and other signs. Appear:

  • the pain whining of the nature at the base of the root of the penis;
  • the pain in the region of the scrotum;
  • the pain in the perineum.

The number of recent symptoms the doctors attribute including infertility, in which sperm are produced, but lose their mobility.

The strengthening of the pain of the pain can be said that in the prostate gland are formed of stones. To get rid of them much more difficult than kidney stones, or even the gallbladder. When found, the doctor can use medications to slow down their teaching in the suite, and the increase in available.

Often, the urologist will are already on the later stages, when the prostatitis has an impact on the work of other organs and systems. In this case, it is necessary to attract to treatment, and to other professionals.

Who takes the risk of getting sick prostatitis?

In the risk group are men who are:

Characteristics of prostatitis
  • lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • the representatives of the professions where you have to sit about 8 hours in a row;
  • patients with chronic constipation;
  • suffered infectious diseases of the genito-urinary system;
  • do not have sex on a regular basis;
  • lead to promiscuity;
  • suffering from alcoholism.

The diagnosis of inflammation of the prostate

In order to accurately determine the stage of the disease, and to appoint a proper treatment will be carried out diagnosis, including:

  • clinical examination;
  • the blood tests;
  • the analysis of the urine;
  • analysis of the secretions of the prostate;
  • uroflowmetry.

What drugs are covered?

At the end of the diagnosis, the doctors usually prescribe a comprehensive treatment, comprising:

  • the treatment of the immune system;
  • treatment of infections if they are identified, usually with the help of antibiotics;
  • antibacterial drugs, designed to treat particular diseases of the prostate.
Sedentary lifestyle is the cause of prostatitis

For the treatment of prostatitis apply various procedures, such as:

  • massage;
  • magnetic resonance therapy;
  • the laser treatment;
  • reflexology;
  • ultrasound;
  • girudoterapiya.

The prevention and diagnosis of prostatitis

All men aged less than 40 years old should be simply in a sake of preservation of their health of men every year to spend a check with a urologist. After 40 this should be done every six months.

Over time is not healed or even started an inflammation of the prostate can lead to a variety of the above complications, which are capable of seriously complicate your life, and not just sexual.

The main preventive measure is, of course, the commonplace of a healthy lifestyle. And because the stagnation of the blood in the pelvic organs is one of the most frequent causes of the disease, the need of all the forces to compensate for a sit-in, and sedentary working through the exercise, recreation.

It is important to avoid hypothermia, and to conduct regular intercourse.